
  • I recently underwent a mini facelift procedure

  • I recently underwent a mini facelift procedure, and my experience was quite eventful. Initially, I experienced a lot of discomfort with bruising and swelling on my face. Particularly around my neck area. However, what surprised me the most was the extent of bruising around my left eye. For a period of 10 days, I hardly recognized myself, and my sleep was greatly affected throughout the week.
    Fortunately, after the removal of the stitches, I began to feel improvements in my condition. My sleep quality improved, and I started to feel better overall. Today marks the 10th day since the surgery, and I'm delighted to see my true face reemerging, even though there are still slight bruises and swelling present around my left eye and the nasal area. Nonetheless, I can sense that things are gradually getting better, and I'm hopeful for a full recovery.
    I am thrilled to observe noticeable improvements in my facial appearance following the facelift. The results have left me looking younger and more rejuvenated. Specifically, the deep groove that previously existed between my nose and cheek has now flattened out, giving my face a smoother and more harmonious contour. Additionally, the unsightly crease on my neck, which had been a cause for concern, has completely vanished.
    I am delighted with the outcomes of the procedure so far, as these positive changes have boosted my confidence and made me feel more comfortable in my own skin. The facelift has truly provided me with the desired aesthetic enhancements, and I couldn't be happier with the transformation.



    ** This review is from an official V.LIF's Google review
