
  • People ask me what I’ve done to my face, but they never know!


    Hello! I just turned 47, and it’s been 7 months since my facelift.

    I always thought the reviews were exaggerated until I experienced it myself! I don’t want to sound cliché, but I LOVE the new me! (Technically, it's my face, but it feels like 15, no, 20 years younger!)

    I first had an online consultation with Bella, who was incredibly kind and answered all my questions. She was very professional!

    I wasn’t sure who should be my surgeon, but Bella helped me choose based on my desired outcome. I decided on Dr. Lee, one of the head surgeons.

    Naturally, I wanted the best, and Dr. Lee was exactly who I was looking for.

    During our face-to-face consultation, he outlined the improvements I could expect. He was honest about what could and couldn’t be done. I thought I needed a facelift and neck lift, but Dr. Lee advised that a neck lift wasn’t necessary!

    As someone who traveled from another country, I was impressed by his professionalism and honesty. That was the moment I knew I could trust him.

    After the surgery, my face was very swollen, and I thought it might explode. But after a couple of days, the swelling started to go down.

    I stayed in Seoul for about two weeks. During my stay, Bella and Amy helped arrange additional de-swelling sessions and provided detailed information.

    If I had more time, I would have stayed longer, but work called me back. When I met my friends a month later, they were amazed at how much younger and refreshed I looked. I told them about the facelift and showed them my scars. The scars were still red but were easily hidden by my hair.

    Long story short, it’s been just over 7 months, and I think I’m still experiencing some scar tissue formation, but it’s improving every day!

    If you’re considering a facelift, please consult with Dr. Lee and get his honest opinion. Thank you, Dr. Lee, and thank you, Bella and Amy!
