
  • I really love my face and I can’t be happier.

  • I had done countless research in so many clinics and reviews looking for one that I could trust and I could say from the first consultation with Bella, her kindness and professionalism as well as the confidence that I saw from doctor Lee in the consultation, made me put up my decision to let myself in the hands of the amazing Vlif clinic team. They took care of me in every aspect from the way of explaining every detail as many times needed making sure I was reassured, following up the days after the surgery checking I was ok every moment, providing the medicines and more. Regardless of this, I am impressed with the results, the scars aren’t visible and the way I look is very very natural just as I wanted (none of my friends or family has notice they just say I look pretty!) it hasn’t been a month and the swelling is almost gone, (It was super fast thanks to their after care treatments, you could see a mayor difference after each). I really love my face and I can’t be happier.
